Established since 1959, our experience as a control cable assembler and supplier has equipped us with the expertise to manufacture fittings to your specification(s) which are reliable and cost-friendly.
We specialize in all types of custom made mechanical control cables, which are direct replacement of MORSE cables, for:
- Automotive
- Trucks
- Marine
- Industrial
- Heavy Equipments
Our in-house tool capabilities allow us the flexibility to welcome all jobs large and small.
Our friendly sales staff and engineering staff will be glad to attend to your enquiries. Feel free to call/fax/email us!
本公司可以依据顾客的不同需求,精心为您定制各种汽车、 卡车、 海事业、 工业 和重型机械等不同用途的 操纵索。 南大历经48年来的风雨洗礼,所累积的丰富经验,为我们今日的产品技术与知识打下坚实的基础;我们秉着顾客是上帝的精神理念,为顾客制造可靠实惠的产品。我们亲切友好的销售人员和工程师将很乐意为您解答任何询问。欢迎您将您的产品需求电邮给我们,或拨电话向我们咨询。